Security Alert:
Phishing targets Google accounts
Dear Sequoya Client,
A nasty phishing email has been circulating today that compromises G Suite, Google Apps, and Gmail accounts. The subject line reads “_____ has shared a document on Google Docs with you” or similar and will contain a button labelled “Open in Docs”.
The message will appear to come from someone you know and usually bypasses spam filters because it is sent from the sender’s hacked account. We believe that clicking the button while you are logged in to a Google account will compromise your account and probably begin sending similar messages to everyone in your contact list.
Just delete the message. If you have already clicked the link, please contact us so that we can assist you with securing your account.
As always, if you receive something suspicious, just give us a call. We’re here to help.
The Sequoya Team
More information: Google Docs users hit with sophisticated phishing attack