Webroot: Your New Anti-Virus Software

Webroot: Your New Anti-Virus Software


As you know, Sequoya provides antivirus protection for your computers as part of our ITSentry managed service plan. Over the years, we have used a number of different anti-virus solutions and have upgraded them as newer technologies became more effective. Most recently, we’ve used Kaspersky Endpoint Security, which has been and continues to be an effective method of securing your computers. However, we’re always evaluating new solutions to find the best way to keep your systems safe.

For the past several weeks Sequoya has been evaluating Webroot Secure Anywhere on our internal systems and on selected client systems, and it has worked very well. This is part of our ongoing effort to improve the service we deliver to you and will be provided at no extra charge. Webroot uses a new approach to virus protection that can block malware and viruses based on their behavior rather than relying only on known “signatures”. This makes it more effective against new threats like the recent “WannaCry” ransomware outbreak. Webroot also puts less burden on your system, leaving more CPU and memory resources for your work.


We will be deploying Webroot to your systems within the next few days.

Shortly thereafter, we expect to remove Kaspersky. These changes will not require you to do anything differently and, other than seeing the Webroot application in your system tray, you may not notice any change at all.

Thanks again for your business! We hope that this pending upgrade of your security software helps your business run more smoothly and securely. As always, if you have questions about this or any aspect of technology in your business, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.

The Sequoya Team